Courtworkers/Courtworker Program
Aboriginal courtworkers explain legal rights and obligations to their clients. They assist in securing legal counsel, finding interpreters if they are needed, assist with pre-sentence reports, bail hearings, and referrals.
Aboriginal Legal Services operates Aboriginal criminal, family and youth court worker programs in Toronto. Aboriginal criminal courtworkers attend all the Toronto area criminal courts. The family and youth courtworkers are located at family court at 311 Jarvis and also can go to other courts if necessary.
Please note that Courtworkers can not provide legal advice to clients on particular issues but can refer clients to lawyers and advise counsel to assist with legal matters and inquiries.
For any questions about the Courtworker program generally please contact Caitlyn Kasper, Courtworker Supervisor – 416-408-3967 ext. 229.
Aboriginal Legal Services operates Aboriginal criminal, family and youth court worker programs in Toronto. Aboriginal criminal courtworkers attend all the Toronto area criminal courts. The family and youth courtworkers are located at family court at 311 Jarvis and also can go to other courts if necessary.
Please note that Courtworkers can not provide legal advice to clients on particular issues but can refer clients to lawyers and advise counsel to assist with legal matters and inquiries.
For any questions about the Courtworker program generally please contact Caitlyn Kasper, Courtworker Supervisor – 416-408-3967 ext. 229.